Week 9's Progress

This week, we have made a some progress in writing the report. We had a meeting on Wednesday, 5/30, to discuss what tasks each one of use should be completing. However, there was a slight set back, because we were unsure of what template to follow. We have started writing in one format, and plan on adjusting the information to whatever template our lab instructor would prefer.

The following parts were assigned to the following people, and a draft will be posted on a static page either tomorrow after our meeting, or this weekend:

Phu- Introduction (Background information)
Peter- Introduction (Existing solutions)
Kenny- Final design (The three designs and showing the difference between them and why they were designed that way)
Katie- Results (3 budgets and explaining why these three designs are good and why they are better than what's on the market)
Sam - Conclusion (What we accomplished, why it's important, ect.)

Tomorrow in class, we are going to discuss final details of the report, as well as final details about the presentation coming up.

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