Week 8's Progress

This week, has been yet another successful week as far as research is concerned. We are able to finally wrap up this phase of our project after this week, and begin starting the final report!

This week, Peter has developed a preliminary decision matrix, shown in Table 1, that shows the pros and cons to the proposed electrospinning apparatus versus other company's apparatuses. Although it does not include all of the possible proposed designs, it does show the advantages of the "best" model over the competitors. The best possible total score is 25, and the worst possible score is 0. The proposed model got a 21/25, while the closest competitor received only a 15/25. This shows how innovative the proposed model is in comparison to other companies' models.

Table 1: This decision matrix demonstrates the pros and cons between the proposed design, NanoFMG's design, and NanoSpider's design [1][2].

Phu has been busy doing research on how to optimize the electrospinning process. He found a helpful video, available here, that shows different aspects of how to make the electrospinning process efficient [3]. Also, he has reported many of the safety requirements for syringe pumps. He found out other useful information that tells how the syringe pump will work and how to optimize its use for different types of tasks [4]. In Table 2, it shows the flow rates of different syringes of different diameters [4].

Table 2: This is a chart thats shows the different flows rates of specific sizes of syringes and is useful in helping to optimize the efficiency of electrospinning. 

Kenny is still working developing a CAD model of the third proposed design. We are all working on the final report for the project and we are going to decide how to split up the tasks tomorrow in lab. 

[1] NanoFMG. (2012, May 6). Pricing for the NanoSpinner 24 [Web]. 
[2] Elmarco.com (2011). NanospiderTM Technology [Web]. Available: 
[3] National Center for Biotechnology Information (2011). Electrospinning Fundamentals: Optimizing  
      Solution and Apparatus Parameters [Web]. Available:  
[4] kdScietific (2007). Microliter OEM Pump Module: Users Manual [Print].

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